Common License



Hello everyone! 

Today I would like to make a brief review of all the activities I have done during the last four months. To be honest 6 months ago I did not have much idea about ICT. Thanks to this subject I have known different applications to use in my classes. 

To organize all the content of this post I created a presentation using Here you are the link to the presentation.

Once the presentation was made, I edited a video to explain each of the activities I have done. To do this, I used Screencast-o-matic, a software that allows you create videos of your screen. 
After that, I uploaded the video to Youtube. Here you can visit the video.

Finally, I have shared my work with all my colleagues through Twitter.



The first thing that I did is created a learning journey to share all the knowledge with people. To do this I used Blogger a blog-publishing service that allows multi-user blogs.
To create an AVATAR I used a tool called Toontastic.
With Toontastic you can draw, animate, and narrate your own avatar. It’s as easy as play. Just move your characters around on the screen, tell your story, and Toontastic records your voice and animations and stores it on your device as a 3D video. Toontastic is a powerful and playful way to create interstellar adventures, breaking news reports, video game designs, family photo albums, and anything else you might imagine! I think it is a great software to use in your lessons.


Creative Commons licenses provide an easy way to manage the copyright terms that attach automatically to all creative material under copyright. I created a Creative Commons License (CCL) for my blog.

2.2. IMAGE ATTRIBUTION FOR A CLIL LESSON. In this task, I planned a CLIL lesson to study the animals. In order to use some pictures in our classrooms we needed to know how to license and recognize the authorship. I used Pixaby access to the images needed.


3.1. CONTENT CURATION: Content curation is the process of gathering information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest.
 To do this I used Pinterest. However, there are more apps to do this kind of activities such as Symbaloo and
I decided to use Pinterest because I used in the past for different tasks, so I already knew it. It is a great app to use with your children.

This resource offers many possibilities to work in an educational way. I had to use Twitter to create a Tiny Story! It was so fun because nobody knew the end of the story. We enjoyed a lot! I think it could be a great resource to use in my lessons!


4.1. EDUCATIONAL SLIDESHOWS. In this task, I created a slideshow presentation to work on the animals topic. To do this I used the tool called To be honest, I did not know this tool but today I can say that I really love it! You can create different things such as posters, presentations, infographics, and videos.

Its great to use with your children! After that, I recorded my presentation and I uploaded it to Youtube.


5.1. SHARING STORIES THROUGH COMICS: I created a comic to work the emotions. I tried to recreate a very common situation for our students, the stress suffered when you are the only person who can do some activity in a proper way. I used Pixton to create the comic. It is
 a fun app to make a quick comic strip in a matter of minutes. I love this tool because you can choose your character´s gender, hair color, facial features and more. However, unlike other comic makers, you can´t physically draw an image.

5.2. USING MINDMAPS IN CLASS. Mindmaps are a very effective method to extract and memorize information. To create my mindmap I used a collaborative online mind mapping software, MindMeister. It is too easy to use. Students of all ages can utilize it to study more efficiently. The only thing that you need is a google account and internet connection. People can use this app because it's too easy to use.

5.3. USE OF DIGITAL INFOGRAPHICS IN THE CLASSROOM. Infographics are a very visual way of representing and transmitting knowledge through the net. To create mine I used PiktoChart.

It is a web-based infographic application which allows users without intensive experience as graphic designers to easily create infographics and visuals using themed templates.
The infographic is related to the area of Natural Science. Through this file, our students had a visual and quick way, information about some of the recycling data of different European countries. The top 5 recycling countries in Europe are Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Norway, and Austria.
Our students could also study the different colors used in recycling (green, blue, yellow and orange) and how recycling works.
Finally, I included some materials and the time they take to disappear. Thank this presentation we could make our students aware of the importance of recycling.


6.1. PODCASTING. The first step to create a podcast is to plan the script for the audio project. To do this, I used GoogleDoc. Then I had to record the audio, and finally, I had to upload to a platform called SoundCloud. This tool was amazing, you can share your audios and your playlist with everybody just for free!


7.1. Storyboard a video project. Thanks this activity children discovered the problems that Climate change and Global warming produce in our world. The video shows some examples in different places. I made it in groups (my group: Alex, Andrés, Ying, Jessy and me).

We used Storyboardthat, a digital tool that you can use to create a storyboard easily. After that, we have created a draft, using Google Doc, an application which was already mentioned in a previous entry.

7.2. 1, 2, 3... ACTION.  To do this activity, we went to the INTEF to record our video. It was a very useful activity for me because I had never used croma. Later we edit our video using Sony Vegas, a software to edit videos.

7.3. #twima8. THE WORLD IS MY AUDIENCE. I participated in a collaborative international project, telling my experience in London. It is great to take part of something bigger and share my story with other people around the world.

I attended a webinar ( a live web-based video conference ) about e-learning. It was carried out by one of my professors, María Jesús García San Martín, a great professional who is focused on ICT. The name of the webinar was Mobile learning and digital competence for education.
Through this webinar, I could learn different things related to the Digital Competence for Education.
There is a platform called "Aprende INTEF" where teachers could enroll in many of courses to learn online. This platform has a portfolio, where you can save and check the competences and the courses that you have. There are 6 levels of digital competence, similar to the language European levels: A1-A2-B1-B2-C1-C2.
This organization offers Mook, Nook, and Spook Courses. The main difference between them is the time and the flexibility. In all these courses, you can get badges to complete the Back Pack of your Portfolio. The tool designed to prove your digital competence. She also talked about Edupills, I started some courses to develop the Digital Competence. They are very easy and useful.


Before saying goodbye I would like to give you my opinion on this subject. 

To be honest, I think I have learned many things related to ICT. At the beginning of the course, my knowledge about ICT was basic. Now I am able to use different resources in order to enrich my lessons.
However, I think that I have to continue with my formation. For this reason, I will complete the different course that we can find in INTEF. It is great for me because I can complete it step by step, little by little.

I have enjoyed a lot doing most of the activities. And the best point is that I have learned too. 

Finally, I would like to thank my teacher Maria Jesús García San Martín for her patience with me. She has solved all my doubts.

Thanks a lot! I hope you like it!



Hello Followers!

Today I have the pleasure of sharing with all of you one of the best stages of my life: my life in London. In 2012, after finishing my studies, I decided to go to London to learn English and finally I stayed there for almost two years.

But the best point of this post is that I will tell you this story through a new tool: Flipgrid.
Also, I have used a learning community where students can go to share ideas and learn together.  It was created by Jon SmithThis is "Twima8: The World is my Audience", the one shared for a teacher to get other teacher responses.

After downloading the app, students must enter the teacher´s code and Click on the Topic. Once they´ve introduced the code they´ll see college responses and they can add their own by clicking on the + button. 

Flipgrid is a website that allows teachers to create "grids" of short discussion-style questions that students respond to through recorded videos. Each grid is effectively a message board where teachers can pose a question and their student can post a video response that appears in a tiled "grid" display.
Grids can be classes, sections, groups of students...  Each grid can hold an unlimited number of questions, and each question can hold an unlimited number of responses. Questions are short, text-based prompts (similar to Twitter) that can include links to websites or documents.

This task has been my first experience with this app and I would like to say that it's amazing.
I think it's so useful and I don't have any doubt about I will use in the future with my students.

You can use Flipgrid to further classroom conversations by assigning questions as homework and then continue the conversation in class the next day. We can use it in a math class to ask students to describe the process they used to solve a complex problem or in a Natural Science experiment.

Here you can visit my #twima 8 - We All Have A Story! video

Here, you can visit the whole Grid where you can find the stories of my classmates.

As you can see I have shared my work on twitter too.

3, 2, 1...

Hello everybody!

As I told you in the previous post, we are working on flipped classroom so we have created an educational video related to the Global Warming. To do this task I worked with some of my classmates: Alejandro, Andrés, Ying y Jessica. We enjoyed a lot!

This task is designed for 5th-grade students. Their content is related to Natural science because we will work on the Global Warming and its problems.
The video shows a journalist who is asking different questions about the world related to climate change.

To create the video, Alejandro, the editor of the group, has used Sony Vegas. It is a timeline-based editor that is fairly easy to learn and use. These functions make the edition easier.
Using this tool, the workspace is divided into two main areas. On top, you have different windows, such as effects, samples, and the video preview. At the bottom, you can get the project timeline, which is where you are going to edit the video.

 Once the video was edited, we used SoundCloud to record and storage the music tracks for the video.

Green Tv video aims to inform our students (5th grades) of a real problem: climate change and global warming. This project will be carried out in Natural Science.

From the knowledge of the different environmental problems such as the greenhouse effect, the glacier melting or the problem with the coral reefs, our students will be able to search for information about the main causes of these problems and their consequences. They have to investigate different problems related to Global warming. Then, we talk about these problems in the classroom.

The main educational objectives are:
- To introduce children to Climate Change and Global Warming.
- To make them think about the causes and the consequences.
- To think about the impact on our planet.
- To produce solutions to the problem.

In my opinion this is the most atractive activity that we have done. I have enjoyed a lot working with my colleges and I think the video is so cool. We recorded the video in INTEF (INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGÍAS EDUCATIVAS Y FORMACIÓN DEL PROFESORADO DEL MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN, CULTURA Y DEPORTE). Then we had to learn how to use SONY VEGAS, and finally we edited the video. I think it was so hard in some moments. However the results are amazing! I hope you enjoy it!

In the following link, you can visit the video of our project, Green Tv. I hope you like it.
Pictures: JPEG and GIF Files (CC0 Creative Commons License)

Finally, here you have the music that we used to edit the video.



Hello guys!

How are you? I would like to share with you some ideas. Do you know what is flipped classroom?
Well, lately it is a very famous term that is very common in Education. Today I will explain to you what it is and how we can use it. Also, I will add an example.

Flipping the classroom occurs when the transfer of theoretical information from teacher to student is taken out of the classroom and presented as material to study before the lecture. The lecture itself is then used to discuss important questions about the material, and assess the student´s level of understanding. This discussion can take place between teacher and students, but also through peer discussion, where students, discuss a question among each other and provide the teacher their conclusion by answering questions throw different activities ( usually we can use an online platform).
These answers provide teachers with information which topics students understand well and what they find more difficult, needing more explanation.

Today, i will share with you a flipped classroom video project that will help our children to understand a lot of things related to the global warming.

The educational objectives of this project are:
- To know new concepts such as Climate Change and Global Warming.
- To make children think about the causes and the impact of this problem.
- To motivate children to look for information about these new concepts.

Children will discover the problems that Climate change and Global warming produce in our world.
The video shows some examples in different places.

We have used Storyboardthat, a digital tool that you can use to create a storyboard easily.
After that, we have created a draft, using Google Doc, an application which was already mentioned in a previous entry.

Storyboardthat creation as the license has already expired but the screenshot is included in the document. Here you can see both of them:

Mobile Learning and digital competence for education (Webinar)

Today I will talk about online learning. It includes learning with the assistance of the Internet and a personal computer. The term e-learning, or electronic learning, often is used interchangeably with online learning.

The important benefit of online learning is that it can span time and distance. You do not have to be in the same place as your teacher obtain course-related information. Even if you are attending a traditional course, when the instructor uses Blackboard, you can have anywhere, anytime access to your course documents along with consistent interaction with your classmates and teacher.

As teachers, we need to learn all the time because the world is changing constantly. But sometimes it is a difficult task because we don't have any time, or because we cant attend the course that we can do.
This problem is solved by e-learning. And we are lucky because Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports have a special institution for e-learning: INTEF (Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y Formación del Profesorado).

I attended a webinar ( a live web-based video conference ) about e-learning. It was carried out by one of my professors, María Jesús García San Martín, a great professional who is focused on ICT. The name of the webinar was Mobile learning and digital competence for education.
Through this webinar, I could learn different things related to the Digital Competence for Education.
There is a platform called "Aprende INTEF" where teachers could enroll in many of courses to learn online. This platform has a portfolio, where you can save and check the competences and the courses that you have. There are 6 levels of digital competence, similar to the language European levels: A1-A2-B1-B2-C1-C2.

This organization offers Mooc, Nooc, and Spooc Courses. The main difference between them is the time and the flexibility. In all these courses, you can get badges to complete the Back Pack of your Portfolio. The tool designed to prove your digital competence. She also talked about Edupills, I started some courses to develop the Digital Competence. They are very easy and useful.

To complete your learning, Aprende INTEF offers different online digital training resources:

Edupills:  Mini-courses to complete through mobile phone or tablets in order to improve digital competence. It is a perfect tool for people who don't have too much time or who are constantly traveling. It could take 15-30 minutes.

- Mooc. It is open learning courses related to collaborative work.  These courses develop different competencies such us active methodologies or professional learning contents.
The duration of the courses could vary from 4 to 5 weeks and it takes 5 hours per week. An example of MoocINTEF could be a virtual reality in education.

- Nooc. NOOC are mini-courses that work like lego blocks. It means that if you complete different NOOC about the same topic, you can put them together and it allows you to build a great Mooc.

- Spooc. SPOOC is a learning experience at your own pace. When the course is opened, you can access whenever and wherever you want. You can get your digital badges once you get the target.

These are some of the possibities offered by INTEF. All these contents are designes with criteria. The products are selected through different surveys and studies.

These courses dont provide an official accreditation but it help you to complete you digital competition badge. The badge is very useful to complete the "portfolio" that will be compulsary learning for teachers in the future. The Open Badge Backpack by INTEF is called "Insignias INTEF".

To be hones, at the begining of this master i didnt belive in e-learning. Howerver thank this subject, and thank teachers as Maria Jesús, my idea is changing.
INTEF gives to us a huge band of resources to develope and improve as teachers. The best point is that we can decide what, when and where we want to learn and we can improve step by step.



Good Morning!

Today I will share with you a new project! It is a new radio channel that people can use to upload their tales and stories. The name of the channel is Tales and fables radio channel.

I have organized the project using a document with Google Doc, a useful tool that allows designing a different kind of documents from a website. Using this tool, you can work with other people in the same document and time without having to be in the same place. To be able to use this tool the only thing that you need is a Gmail account. Let's see the document:

After that, I have recorded my podcast, in which I introduce the channel with a fable.

I use GarageBand, an app for Apple devices. You can record an audio and you can change voices and add different effects. It is so useful and easy to use. The best point of this app is that you can change a lot of things and you can save your track whenever you want.

Then, to storage the track I used SoundCloud, an online audio distribution platform that enables its users to upload, record, promote and share their originally-created sounds.

The best part about the application are the possibilities SoundCloud itself has as a social network, being that it allows you to access and listen to the recordings of the rest of users, and score them giving them point values and comments.
All of this music can be heard by streaming directly, for which you´ll need a good internet connection. As you cannot always have internet access, the app allows you to record a sound at any moment and upload it to your account later.

You can visit my audio channel:

Finally, I would like to share a playlist with you. Children will able to listen to all the audios through this playlist.

I would like to show you the Common Licence.

It has been a great experience for me because I didn't know these apps. I think it could be a great knowledge for the future because I will be able to use it with my children. Sometimes we have thought about creating a playlist to share music and I didn't know how to do it.

Through this task, children will be able to download the podcast to their devices, allowing them to access anywhere whenever they want. They will find the information and the will listen to it, discovering another way to learn.

I hope you like it!



Hello ladies and gentlemen!

Today, I will show you how can we use infographics in our lessons. I have elaborated a recycling infographic to explain some information about this topic to our children.

Infographics are a graphic visual representation of information to present it in a quick and clear way. It can be very useful for you as teachers to capture your student´s attention. For them, it can be a tool for developing their own creativity and it can help them organizing information.

Thanks to this presentation, our children will know different information about the topic, just having a look. They will be able to identify top 5 recycling countries in Europe, the color of the recycling bins and how long different materials take to decompose. I will explain it in the next paragraph.

The infographic is related to the area of Natural Science. Through this file, our students will be able to obtain in a visual and quick way, information about some of the recycling data of different European countries. The top 5 recycling countries in Europe are Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Norway, and Austria.

Our students can also study the different colors used in recycling (green, blue, yellow and orange) and how recycling works.

Finally, I have included some materials and the time they take to disappear. Thank this presentation we can make our students aware of the importance of recycling.

There are many tools we, as teachers, can use. Here are some of them:
- Picktochart
- Canva
- Smore
- Padlet

For this task, I have used PiktoChart, a web-based infographic application which allows users without intensive experience as graphic designers to easily create infographics and visuals using themed templates.

The thing I like about Piktochart is its visually compelling templates, their animated icons, and shapes, the charts to visually demonstrate a statistical result. The ability to design a long infographic with a lot of ease even when you don´t have experience as a designer.

That´s what makes Piktochart the best there is. The worse of this app is that there are some things that you can only use if you have a premium account.

Thanks to this work, I learned the importance of using infographics that have a lot of education possibilities. At first, it was a little complicated because I did not know how to use the application. However, when you start working with Piktochart, you learn to the resources and to organize the space. I am sure that I will use infographics in my classroom, especially in P.E. because it is a visual an active subject.

Here is my PiktoChart link. I hope you like it! See you next time!


Hi everyone!!

Today I have organized a new project related to Russian World Cup 2018.
I will show you an online mind map that I have designed for it. I will use it to explain what the project is going to be about to my students.
Mind maps help us order the information, ideas, and knowledge that we are going to work on. I think that it can be a very useful resource for students to learn in a different and visual way. It enables you to learn faster, take better notes and brainstorm more effectively. Whether you are writing a paper or working on a group project, mind mapping will help you save amounts of time.

Thanks to this work I have learned the importance of the mind map in schools. As a teacher, we can offer our students the mind map as a tool for the development of their study. This application is totally online so they just need a device and internet connection. 

I have used a collaborative online mind mapping software, MindMeister. It is too easy to use. Students of all ages can utilize it to study more efficiently. The only thing that you need is a google account and internet connection. People can use this app because it's too easy to use.

In this case, I have designed and explained every single element of the project. Thank this mind map, our children will be able to carry out the project and they will be able to check the information that they need. Firstly, they will know what is the goal of the project. They will know everything related to the different subjects (cross-curricular). They have the different activities to carry out the project (stages) and a video to inform them about the topic.  Finally, they will be able to do a proper work, following the evaluation points.

As all of you can see, the topic of the project is Russian World Cup 2018. Every single element of the project is related to this topic.
 MindMaster is a nice software, that you can use easily. You can create different charts and link them in different ways. However, if you want to add any video or picture you must get the premium account. I don't like this point.

However, I can say that I really love this app!!!


Hello everybody!

Today, I will talk about how helping our students feel more confident with any subject. In this case, we will use a comic!

A comic is a medium used to express ideas by images, often combined with text or other visual information. Comic frequently takes the form of juxtaposed sequences of panels of images. Often textual devices such as speech balloons, captions, and onomatopeia indicate dialogue, narration, sound effects or other information. Also, the Early Years student can hide his/her own real personality behind a comic character and he/shhe feels that is safe.

The main target of this comic is helping a student who has a problem in physical education.

Sometimes, students might be struggling with a situation. Comics can be a solution for this problems.
They can reflect their problems and feelings and they can solve the situation.
In this case, a student has a problem in Physical Education. Then, the teacher think about the problem and look for a solution.

I have used "Pixton", a fun app to make a quick comic strip in a matter of minutes.
I love this tool because you can choose your character´s gender, hair color, facial features and more.
However, unlike other comic makers, you can´t physically draw an image.

It is an online tool, so you don´t have to download Pixton onto your computer.
All you need is an internet connection.

With Pixton, you can add word balloons with adjustable text to give your characters emotion and expression. You can also alter your comic´s facial features. Once you´re happy with your comic and storyline, you have several different options. You can save the image to Pixton´s online community where other users can view and vote on your work.

I hope you enjoy It! See you soon!

3.06.2018 presentation

Hi everybody!

Today I will show you a new tool to create an online support slideshow. This is perfect to present different contents in class. An example of this kind of tools is Prezi. The movement of the "slides" on the main board is great. It could motivate your children and it can make your lessons more attractive.

However, I have decided to use because I did not know it and I  want to know new tools to use in my lessons. is a web tool to create engaging interactive visual content. People can make interactive pictures, infographics, presentations... At this time, I have created a presentation related to hydrosphere. It is one of the natural science content for the fourth grade of primary school.
I have selected this topic because  I think it is interesting and too visual.
The best thing about this tool is that you can choose from a wide variety of free templates to create very professional interactive content or you can upload your own pictures and start from scratch.
It also gives you the ability to integrate videos, audio and any embeddable code among other things such as social networks.

After that, I would like to say that you can use thousand of resources, games, images, videos, and apps in your presentations. You can find it on different pages like ESLgames+ and ClassTools.
Also, I have used different links to get the pictures to my presentation:

I hope you enjoy it!!



Hello guys! 

Today I will talk about curation contents. We going to know different websites where we can get a lot of resources related with clil.

When we want to search tools or resources from internet, we should visit special websites related with education topic such as:

For this time, I have used Pinterest because I had a profile and I´m used to it.

Pinterest is like an online pinboard where you can create as many boards for your pins as you want, which is great for organization. For example, if you like collecting pictures of zoo animals, you can create a board and label it “Animals.” On the other hand, if you also like collecting education tool or information.
Pinterest users interact with each other through liking, commenting, and repinning each other’s stuff. That’s what makes it such a hot social network.​

Here is my Clil resources board! 

I hope you enjoy it! 

Thanks a lot!