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Hello guys!

How are you? I would like to share with you some ideas. Do you know what is flipped classroom?
Well, lately it is a very famous term that is very common in Education. Today I will explain to you what it is and how we can use it. Also, I will add an example.

Flipping the classroom occurs when the transfer of theoretical information from teacher to student is taken out of the classroom and presented as material to study before the lecture. The lecture itself is then used to discuss important questions about the material, and assess the student´s level of understanding. This discussion can take place between teacher and students, but also through peer discussion, where students, discuss a question among each other and provide the teacher their conclusion by answering questions throw different activities ( usually we can use an online platform).
These answers provide teachers with information which topics students understand well and what they find more difficult, needing more explanation.

Today, i will share with you a flipped classroom video project that will help our children to understand a lot of things related to the global warming.

The educational objectives of this project are:
- To know new concepts such as Climate Change and Global Warming.
- To make children think about the causes and the impact of this problem.
- To motivate children to look for information about these new concepts.

Children will discover the problems that Climate change and Global warming produce in our world.
The video shows some examples in different places.

We have used Storyboardthat, a digital tool that you can use to create a storyboard easily.
After that, we have created a draft, using Google Doc, an application which was already mentioned in a previous entry.

Storyboardthat creation as the license has already expired but the screenshot is included in the document. Here you can see both of them:

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